About Russian in Russian
My name is Irina, and I’m a Russian teacher
classes taught
subscribers on Youtube
videos on Youtube
9 years
560 000+
I founded this project in order to help foreigners
improve their pronunciation
improve their grammar
immerse themselves in Russian culture
expand their vocabulary
develop their speaking skills
get one-on-one experience with experienced native speakers
The "About Russian in Russian" project is:
Sign up for classes with a Russian native speaker and study at your own pace.
Private lessons
Choose a video appropriate for your level, watch it, complete assignments, write short essays and ask questions as they appear. All materials are available on YouTube-channel.
Expand your vocabulary, overcome the language barrier and learn to speak more confidently about various topics.
Speaking club
Watch short films and cartoons, listen to podcasts and learn Russian with the help of worksheets for them.
If you teach Russian as a foreign language and need recommendations, then you can come to me for a consultation.
for teachers
"About Russian in Russian"
is sponsored by
If you are interested in partnering with us, please reach out to us at